Are You Ready to Experience Love Beyond Belief?
So, if you don't already have LOVE BEYOND BELIEF in your life, what is stopping it from showing up?
Your subconscious limiting beliefs might be standing in your way - but we have a solution for you!
Read on if you want to change your life!
LOVE BEYOND BELIEF is a powerful instantly downloadable five hour audio program that can change the lives of everyone who uses it.
The LBB program uses one of the most popular subconscious block RELEASE techniques called EFT [Emotional Freedom Technique].
You are about to find out how to release negative old relationship patterns for good!
There are unconscious reasons why things are the way they are. And if they are blocking you from happiness, then it is time to let them go.
Here is a way to release the subconscious blocks that are in your way and begin living the love you deserve - today!
![]() All five weeks of audio trainings are one click away. Go through the program at your own pace in the privacy of your own home. And you can 're-tap' to clear further blocks! |
![]() Throughout this page, you will find several unsolicited testimonials from Love Beyond Beliefers who have tapped their way to new levels of relationship using these audio programs. |
![]() Along with instant access to the full audio program, you will receive several valuable bonuses. See below for more details about the free gifts included with LBB . |
You Deserve Love Beyond Belief Now!
From: Nicole Whitney and Brad Yates
Wednesday 11:09 AM
Dear Friend,
We are very excited to tell you about LOVE BEYOND BELIEF!
The Love Beyond Belief Program features five powerful life changing hours of interactive EFT audio sessions designed to blast through your unconscious blocks to true love and happiness.
Hosted by News for the Soul producer Nicole Whitney, the Love Beyond Belief Series features five LIVE empowering release sessions conducted by "EFT Wizard Brad Yates"
"I've experienced other EFT styles but there's something about the way Brad Yates style - about three quarters of the way through - that's when the magic happens! I call him the 'EFT WIZARD'!" Nicole Whitney, News for the Soul.
Brad Yates [] has been a catalyst for positive change in the lives of 1000s since beginning his career as a certified hypnotherapist in 1996. He has been featured as a guest regularly on News for the Soul - the #1 life changing talk radio show in the world according to GOOGLE and AOL [] - of which Nicole Whitney is the founder, producer and host.
The combination inspired this one of a kind transformational experience - Love BEYOND Belief!
LBB is an 'amazing tool':
Hi Brad and Nicole: I just wanted to thank you both, individually, and together for the incredible series. It was very powerful Brad and honestly, the fifth and last two round were incredible and it was indeed channeling at its finest. So, the person I've been dealing with for the past several months finally said ' i do not wish to hear from you - do not contact me'. So this was harsh to hear today and no doubt i'll be tapping through her message. I'm sure there is a higher purpose for this and will re-cap the last several sessions I've participated in, and find my truth. Thanks for providing some amazing tools. I'll look forward to more of you both. Life is friggin' amazing isn't it! cheers and regards, Lynn
You are about to discover a one of a kind hands on program that can help you release your deep-seated negative conditioning that's blocking you from the love you want and deserve.
In just hours you can see truly life changing results.
Love Beyond Belief provides participants with the opportunity to end negative relationship patterns forever. You will have INSTANT access to five one hour MP3s which you can download, burn onto CD, listen to in any MP3 player, or tap along with us right on your computer!
And unlike a regular EFT session with a coach, you can RE-TAP over and over again - every day if you like. Delving deeper and removing those negative blocks through repeated use will give you deeper cleansing and more dramatic results and long term positive change.
Fast, healing results...
Brad and Nicole: Last night I got a call from a woman from the professional women's networking group to which I belong. She's a relationship coach. She said she'd been meaning to contact me for a while. We talked for a long time. She's trying to get me to be her client. It occurred to me that those who buy your recordings will of course have the great advantage of doing repeats. I say this because, although she said otherwise, she was telling me I was "doing something wrong." In my case she thought I was too friendly with everyone so that guys would not think I was available. Acting like the mysterious woman is completely contrary to my constant striving to always be an open book so that people know where they stand with me. That is what I want from others and the way I try to live my life. I'm babbling. I just wanted you to know that the Universe sent me a fast message. I just haven't quite figured out how to interpret it. Much joy to you, and, again, thank you for the opportunity. Hot diggity! That was such a healing session yesterday. Looking forward to the next one. - Elizeth in California
LOVE BEYOND BELIEF BEGAN ON VALENTINES... as a one time experimental event.
On Valentines Day 2006, Brad and Nicole aired a live and interactive EFT session for romance which went over so well they conducted their first teleconference in collaboration with Enlightened Dating called Getting Ready for Romance.
The dramatic results experienced by the initial listeners inspired the creation of Love Beyond Belief full program..
And now the Love Beyond Belief Program is here for YOU! The LBB program contains ALL of these hour-long audio sessions:
"There's Nothing Wrong " - In this call, we will clear up the feeling that there is something wrong with being single. Such a thought creates desperation - and who wants to use the Law of Attraction radiating desperation? Clearing that creates the freedom to attract a healthy relationship.
"Clearing Up the Relationship Baggage" - Sometimes it is hard to create a relationship because, well, you aren't really single. While you may have technically ended a relationship, you are likely still in relationship energetically - probably with many if not all of the people you've dated in the past. Time to make room for that new relationship by purging the past.
"Worthy Of Love" - The extent to which we do not experience something we say we want is the extent to which we are resisting it. Some of the biggest resistance comes from a misconception that we aren't worthy or deserving of that which we desire. Allow yourself the chance to know how magnificent you are - worthy and deserving of love and every other good thing this Universe has to offer.
"Manifesting Love" - Having cleared the block, it is time to activate the Law of Attraction to create the relationship you truly desire.
Bonus Follow Up Call - We have added in an extra full session with a bonus follow up call for Love Beyond Belief.
Fast Results:
"Things happen fast after your sessions, like, within 24 hours. Thanks for the opportunity and industrial-strength tapping guidance."
E Labega
You deserve to love and be loved now.
Participants in this series experienced dramatic results throughout the five weekly sessions and you can too.
Tapping along in this five part series can enable you, beginning immediately, to transcend your previous negative conditioning originating from your belief system and previous relationships in your life.
Tapping along will not only help you with your love life but your whole life. Your negative beliefs about relationships affect EVERY area in your life - not just the romance. This program truly is LIFE changing!
And the Guided Imagery sessions each week contribute to your wellbeing now.
And it's not done in five hours. You can revisit each session as often as you need to, over and over so that you can benefit from repeated use by experiencing deeper and deeper cleansing.
And most importantly, you will adopt a KNOWING that you are truly worthy and deserving of all wonderful things in life now!
You are mere moments away from having INSTANT access to all FIVE HOURS of audio plus powerful bonuses!
It's Easy To Order...
Click PayPal Button Below!
[As soon as you complete your order, you'll be immediately brought to the Love Beyond Belief Download Page!]
An Amazing Experience...
Working with Brad is always an amazing experience, and Love Beyond Belief was no exception! He effortlessly tuned into the aspects lurking beneath the surface that needed to be worked on and intuitively came up with the right phrases to help release the blocks. Even though I thought I had dealt with most of my relationship issues, Brad helped me become aware of many other subtle yet very important ways in which I was creating self sabotage and which I was able to tap away. Thank you Brad, for a phenomenal series of Love Beyond Belief! ~
Lekha Shah D.F. Astrol S, CHt
Amazing Bonuses!
Since I know it's 100% to your benefit to act right away, I want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!
If you respond immediately, you'll also receive the following:
Bonus #1:
BONUS AUDIO: The original Ready For Romance Teleconference - Value $22 - An MP3 of the original READY FOR ROMANCE Teleconference.
Bonus #2:
BONUS AUDIO: Money Beyond Belief Teleseminar with Brad Yates - Value $22 - Tapping into Abundance I want you to start thinking about what you would really like to manifest in your life. We will be focusing specifically on money in TIA - because with it we are more easily able to both develop ourselves to the fullest, surround ourselves with the things and experiences we desire, and increase the amount of good we can do in the world. If any of those items cause you discomfort - that's fine - that's exactly the sort of thing we'll be working on. Those are the kind of limiting beliefs and issues that I want you to bring to the class to be tapped on. Join in and clear your blocks to Money ... beyond belief!
Bonus #3:
BONUS AUDIO: MP3 FOR THE SOUL from News for the Soul - Value $22 - Powerful life changing program featuring some of the top luminaries our our time.
Bonus #4:
BONUS AUDIO: "Strategic Attraction - Let's Get Started Attracting Your Perfect Romantic Partner!" Value $37 - Master Strategic Attraction Coach, Wendy G. Young leads you through the 4 steps of Strategic Attraction Planning to help you attract your Perfect Romantic Relationship. This seemingly magical process invokes the powerful energy of the universe, the Law of Attraction and can be used to attract any type of relationship. Included are her Stratetegic Attraction tips that help reinforce this fun, energetic and innovative process!
"Feel like a new person..."
"I have had the immense pleasure of working with Brad Yates over the past two years in several private sessions to help clear my energy system of negative emotions and beliefs. In Love Beyond Belief, Brad goes way ?beyond? in ?tapping? (yes, puns intended!) into the infinite intelligence that guides him to lead perfect sessions. These sessions are fun and informative and clear the way for our good to flow effortlessly. My level of deservingness has been raised to new heights and my emotions are more balanced and free. I am light beyond belief!! I feel like a new person knowing that I am deserving of the perfect romantic relationship for me. When you purchase the Love Beyond Belief series I highly suggest that you listen to the recordings several times to get even higher benefit. It will help you in all areas of your life. Thank You Brad for sharing your gifts with the world! ~ Wendy
It's time for YOU to manifest Love Beyond Belief!
Don't put off true love any longer. This series is invaluable and can change every aspect of your life. Participants often have IMMEDIATE change.
Look at it this way -- $47.00 is really a painless drop in the bucket to be able to get your hands on Love Beyond Belief Five Hour Audio Series and start using it right away to improve your lifestyle!
It's easy to get started right away. Just click the order link below. Click here to order right now for only $47.00 (even if it’s 3:00 am in the morning).
Give yourself this gift TODAY - you truly deserve it!
[ ] Yes, I Just Have To Have This Incredible Package! Count Me In Right Now!
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More Testimonials:
Hello! : ) On Saturday I met a great guy when I was not looking and wanted to share that with you that I am sure the Love Beyond Belief program assisted in this happening. Again, thank you so much for doing this work. Have a beautiful day! ~
Now Happy And Content.....
Just letting you know how the Love Beyond Belief Series helped me. I had been in a 'relationship' with a workaholic for almost a year. He would rarely call me or take the initiative to see me and whenever we did get together he was always so very tired. I kept telling him that if he was not interested in me then that's ok I'd move on and he'd always come back with some comment like, I miss you or can't wait to see you again. I was so confused and found myself unable to stop thinking about him and I would end up being the one making contact. What I gained from your series is the inner strength I now possess. I have not heard from this man for several weeks and I am really fine about it. I am able to move on with my life now whereas before I was so consumed with him that I had trouble focusing on the things I need to do. I have not contacted him and do not intend to do so but what is even more interesting is I don't even feel tempted. This is so very unlike how I was responding before. I feel like I am worth more than this. I was always beating myself up with 'I can never get this relationship stuff right'...'I keep stuffing it up' which led to a lot of anxiety whenever I was with him. I could not express my feelings because of fear that I would stuff it up again and he would run. We did a lot of tapping on this getting it wrong in the beginning of the series and my attitude is now, well yes maybe I could have done things differently (like not wait around for him for so long) but hey, that's life and that's how we learn. I feel so very positive now for the future. I was fearful of being alone especially at my age of 52 but I now feel so very good about being single. I am focused on the things I need to do and I have even come to the conclusion that although it would be nice to have a relationship with a man who really loves me and fits into my life easily I may even be single for the rest of my life and I'm OK about it!!! That is definately NOT how I felt before. I think now I will be more open to attracting love in my life as I have let go of my fears. Many times during your sessions I shed tears and felt I had released so much that was attracting me to relationships with unavailable men. The most fabulous part about it all is I know I AM OK being single and I am happy and content with this knowing. Thankyou Brad so much for inviting me to participate as I was in a state of confusion and disapointment with the type of men I was attracting. I just couldn't seem to change this pattern but the fact that I am so willing to let this man go so easily and how contented I feel in how my life right now is such a could not imagine how FREE I feel now and how strong and feminine I feel. ~ Kathy from Australia
Things happen fast...
This morning when I rolled out of bed and checked my e-mail, I found a message from a friend who is a professor at the graduate school where I got my degree. It was information on a speed-dating event being held next week. Actually, two of them. Hot diggity! To go to that school you have to speak at least 2 languages and have fabulous undergrad scores. The students come from all over the world and have had fascinating experiences. I didn't get to socialize when I was a student, and I've felt shut out as an alum. I love the concept of speed-dating and have done it once. Moreover, the event next week is a fundraiser for a UN-sponsored program called "Adopt a Minefield," so something positive that will affect many people. I love it. Regardless of the outcome of the speed-dating, this is a wink AND a smile from the Universe, and decreased resistance on my part. Hmmm. Things happen fast after your sessions, like, within 24 hours. Thanks for the opportunity and industrial-strength tapping guidance. And sorry about the epic-length e-mail. I appreciate that your time is precious. ~ Elizeth
A Great Call...
Thanks for the excellent session on Love Beyond Belief. I'm really glad that I'm doing this because I would never have come up with the statements that you did -- and I really needed to tap on them. I rated a "10" on "I'll never find that kind of love again." I think I still need to do a lot more tapping around this issue. A part of me still believes that I lost my one and only chance at real love. I know that the mere passage of time isn't going to fix this -- it's already been decades, and I keep rejecting everyone because they're not "just like him." When you say there are 600 billion people out there for us, my mind always says there aren't quite that many because many of them are probably not the right people for us for geographical reasons (I would NOT want to be in Russia), and most are not in the right age range (way too young or way too old), and are culturally and in other ways inappropriate for us. So that narrows down the playing field considerably. But anyway, it was great. I have to get up at 4.30 in the morning to make it to the call on time. (Need to wake up half an hour before the call so my mind will be awake.) Thanks again! ~ Cheryl
"I feel more free in just two days....":
"I grew up in foster homes, shame based alcholic family of origin, was abandoned... and over and over and over, I seem to re-create being abandoned in my relationships with men, even when it looks like it won't happen. Just recently I purchased your LOVE BEYOND BELIEF ... the tapping exercises have helped me release in just a couple days some of the pain,shame,feelings of abandonment and perpetual sorrow that seemed to follow me around. I mean I feel more free in just two days, than what years of therapy never seemed to accomplish. I am glad I found you..." ~ Lisa
Subject: EFT and Love Beyond Belief, WOW Hello Fellow Tappers, I just completed The Brad Yates "Love Beyond Belief" course. This is sort of an endorsement. I am not being paid by Brad to say this. He does not know I am posting this either. [on a yahoo group] The amount of materials that I received and the volume of tools that are given in the five days of recordings (well over 5 hours of material) IS WELL WORTH THE $47.00 USD I paid to download the course. The only criticism that I have for the course is that Brad DELIVERED SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE, and that there is no mention of drinking water after each EFT session. Fortuanately I had the good sense to have lots and lots of water as I tapped through the five days of this material, making sure to hydrate often. DRINK A LOT OF WATER! The quality of the course is OUTSTANDING. If you were sort of trying to decide if you should do the course or wanted to read another persons opinion of this, now you have feedback from an unpaid and un affiliated person. Thank you Brad. Blessings, David. Subject: Re: EFT and Love Beyond Belief, WOW Great to know David, Did it provide 'love beyond belief' or more the availability and access to love? J Hi J, The really short answer is that it provided more the availability and access to love. But that is not the only thing it does. I've done the course a few times now. I can say my vibration is shifting. I can say I am loving myself and being more unconditional. I can say that I am creating my ideal loving relationship within me instead of looking outside for my relationship. It has given me focus and is releasing old energy patterns held within my body. It is an ongoing process. What has happened, is that women have started looking at my profile on dating sites. I have more hits from the kind of women I am wanting to attract. I am more aware of some things now, and I am tending to attract more self loving, and loving people in my life who are motivated by Joy and not old hurts. We are not broken, nothing is wrong with us and we do not need another person to complete us as "Tom Cruise" would have us believe. Also there are currently 6 billion people on the planet, so there is no such thing as the one and only suitable person
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